Registration of cosmetics

Na terenie Unii Europejskiej zostało ujednolicone prawo określające wymogi rejestracji oraz zgłoszenia produktów kosmetycznych. Wszystkie kraje w Unii Europejskiej podlegają pod Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1223/2009. Określa ono wszystkie wymagania z zakresu dopuszczalnych składników, oznakowania produktu, badań czy wymaganej dokumentacji. Dzięki czemu cały proces rejestracji kosmetyku można podzielić na 6 poniżej opisanych etapów. To one definiują nam czy produkt można legalnie zarejestrować i udostępniać na terenie wspólnoty oraz czy produkt nie zagraża użytkownikom.

  1. Assessment of whether the ingredients used, form of use and packaging comply with European requirements and fit the definition of a cosmetic product. This information can be found in the above-mentioned Regulation No. 1223/2009;
  2. Defining the required scope of testing for the product. This is done on the basis of an assessment of the product's marketing claims by a specialist and the requirements based on the product's form;
  3. Collecting the necessary documentation and preparing the product for notification. The list of necessary documents is usually presented by the Safety Assessor who will create the Safety Assessment Report;
  4. Creation of a Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment Report (CPSR). This is a document in which a specialist with confirmed qualifications and knowledge (Safety Assessor) assesses the product's compliance with applicable law and defines the product's safety;
  5. Notification of the cosmetic product on the Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP). The notification is made by a person who has the necessary knowledge and access to the company's account on the portal;
  6. In Poland, the unit that supervises the correct introduction of cosmetics to the market is the State Sanitary Inspection. It is she who can call on the company to verify the compliance of documentation and tests.

The process of introducing a new cosmetic to the market can be complicated and it is worth supporting in this area with the knowledge and experience of people dealing with it professionally. Each country's local law may individually impact certain areas of cosmetic product regulation.
