The following Privacy Policy aims to inform you about how we use your personal data, in respect of which we meet all the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

Administrator Identity

The data controller is MPR Labs Sp. z o. o., with its registered office in Łódź (93-357), ul. Kosynierów Gdyńskich 50, responsible for ensuring the operation of the portal.

Administrator contact details

    1. You can contact the Data Administrator – MPR Labs:
      • by e-mail at
      • via the contact form available online at;
      • by post – sending correspondence to the registered office address of the administrator.
    2. The Administrator uses state-of-the-art technical measures and organizational solutions to ensure a high level of protection of processed personal data and protection against access by unauthorized persons.

    Purposes and legal basis of data processing

    Users’ personal data may be processed by the Administrator on the basis of:

    1. Necessity for the performance of a contract or to take steps prior to entering into a contract (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the GDPR), separately for the purpose:
      • for the purpose of providing commissioned services, preparing documentation for commissioned projects and services, as well as for billing purposes;
      • responses to inquiries regarding the services provided;
      • providing access to materials related to the topics covered on the portal;
    2. The legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f of the GDPR), separately for the purpose of:
      • marketing of the Administrator's own products and services, including for analytical and profiling purposes, where the legitimate interest of the Administrator is to conduct direct marketing of its own products and services;
      • personal data may also be processed for the purposes of direct marketing of products, securing and pursuing claims or defending against claims of the User or a third party, as well as marketing of services and products of third parties or own marketing other than direct marketing;
      • defense against possible claims, where the legitimate interest of the Administrator is to pursue or defend claims.

    The period of storage of personal data

    1. Data is stored for the period from its receipt in the form of contact and no longer than until the user requests its deletion;
    2. Data stored for archival purposes – for the period necessary to achieve this purpose;
    3. Data related to responding to e-mail or telephone contact – until the moment of correspondence or withdrawal of the consent granted, unless further storage of the data is justified by the overriding interest of the Administrator, e.g. defense against possible claims.

    User rights

    Users are entitled to:

    1. The right to access your data and a copy of your data;
    2. The right to rectify your data;
    3. The right to delete data – if the user believes that the Administrator has no right to process them;
    4. The right to restrict data processing – the user may request that the processing of personal data be restricted for storage if he or she believes that the data is incorrect or its processing is illegal;
    5. The right to object – the user may object to the processing of their personal data if the legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the Administrator;
    6. The right to transfer data – the User may request that the administrator transfer the User’s processed personal data to another entity. For this purpose, the User should write a request to the administrator, indicating to which entity (name, address) the User’s personal data should be transferred and what specific data the User wishes the administrator to transfer. After the User confirms their request, the administrator will transfer the User’s personal data to the indicated entity in electronic form. The User’s confirmation of the request is necessary for the security of the User’s personal data and to ensure that the request comes from an authorized person;
    7. The right to lodge a complaint – if the user’s personal data is found to be being processed unlawfully, the user may lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office or another supervisory authority.

    Data sharing

    Users’ personal data may be transferred to entities to which the Administrator entrusts the processing of personal data on the basis of agreements and to entities authorized to obtain personal data on the basis of legal provisions.

    Changes to Privacy Policy

    In order to ensure that the Portal's Privacy Policy always meets the current requirements imposed by law, the Administrator reserves the right to make changes to it at any time.
