Contractor: MPR Labs Limited liability company, registered at ul. Kosynierów Gdyńskich 50, 93-357 Łódź, with the Tax Identification Number 7282856967, registered in the National Court Register under the number 0000933485, with the REGON number 520475597, with share capital of PLN 30,000.00, fully paid, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor.

Client: This is an enterprise or a private person understood as the direct recipient of this Offer. The offer may be submitted in electronic or paper form. The Principal undertakes to keep the information contained in the Offer confidential pursuant to the Act of April 16, 1993 on combating unfair competition (Journal of Laws of 1993, No. 47, item 211, as amended), hereinafter referred to as the Principal or the Client.

Offer: A document provided in paper or electronic form to the Client, containing: the Client's data, name of the service, cost of providing the service, offer number, offer date, offer validity date.

Order Form: A document containing: information about the Client, information about the contractor, information about the date of placing the order, information about the scope of the service allowing it to be clearly linked to the item in the Offer

Service: A product or service included in the Offer as a separate item. Information presented in electronic communication between the Contractor and the Client, in the form of a side-by-side summary: "Name of the service" - "Cost of the service", is also considered a Service.


§1 Service provision agreement

1. The following shall be deemed to be binding when placing an order and thus establishing a service contract:

  1. Sending the Offer by the Client with a clear indication of the services expected to be provided,
  2. Sending the Order Form by the Client along with the Client's data, the date of placing the order and information allowing for the unambiguous identification of the service,
  3. Sending a signed contract for the service.

2. Placing an order is tantamount to a declaration of knowledge and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions.

3. Confirmation of the service provided by the Contractor is binding when:

  1. Sending acceptance by e-mail from the e-mail address under the domain ""
  2. Signing a contract for the provision of the service.

4. Any additional information not listed in the Offer, in the form of advice, suggestions or opinions, should be treated as non-binding suggestions, not subject to the Contractor's official announcement.

5. The Client is obliged to provide all information required to provide the Services. By providing information, you also declare that it is true at the time of submission and that you have the rights to distribute it. If the Client fails to provide the required information, the Contractor has the right to terminate the service contract with immediate effect.

6. In the event of difficult communication with the Client (this means failure to answer the telephone number provided for communication, failure to respond via e-mail to an e-mail address generally understood as official or provided in the Client's official communication), which will directly affect the time of Service provision, the Client shall not claims any rights related to the extension of the Service.

7. Test reports may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Contractor.

8. The Contractor may refuse to carry out orders that are inconsistent with the scope of services provided.

9. After completing the order, the Contractor provides the Client with a test report electronically. At the written request of the Client, The contractor may submit the test report by post.

10. The Ordering Party undertakes to notify the Contractor - before starting the service - about any possible dangers related to the execution of the order, i.e. the presence of hazardous and toxic materials, including the health of the Contractor's employees.

The contractor may submit the test report by post.

11. The deadline for performing the Service is individually determined by the Contractor each time. The information provided in the Offer is an estimated period of time which is not accepted as binding information.

12. The client has the right to submit comments on the test report within 7 days of receiving the results.

13. The contractor may submit the test report by post.


§2 Submission of material for research

1. Samples for testing are delivered to the Contractor's office at the Client's expense.

2. The Client is responsible for the risk of damage to samples delivered for testing.

3. The Contractor is not obliged to store samples for a period longer than 2 weeks from the date of completion of the tests.


§3 Payments

1. The Contractor issues a VAT invoice after completing the Service. VAT invoices are issued with a 14-day payment deadline, unless the Client has agreed otherwise with the Contractor.

2. The Client undertakes to pay the issued VAT invoice on time, within the specified deadline, in the form of a transfer to the provided account number.

3. The date of payment is considered to be the day on which the bank account is credited by the Contractor. In the event of delays in payment by the Principal, the Contractor has the right to charge maximum interest.

4. Prices for services are agreed individually with the Client on the basis of the Offer submitted by the Contractor.

5. The Contractor may charge the Ordering Party additional fees for additional activities not indicated in the order and performed at the request of the Ordering Party during the execution of the order.

6. If, for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor, it is not possible to complete the order in part or in whole, the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount due for the service actually performed.

7. All costs of pursuing claims by the Contractor will be borne by the Client.

8. The competent court is the court for the Contractor's registered office.


§4 Liability

1. The contractor is not liable for partial or total failure to perform the order due to reasons beyond his control.

2. The Contractor is not liable for any losses incurred by the Client as a result of the execution of the order.

3. All liability for transferring material for testing and any losses incurred during the provision of the Service is borne by the Client.


§5 Intellectual property

1. The Contractor declares that he has full rights to the reports, analyzes and analytical or research documents he provides.

2. All property rights to reports, analyses, analytical or research documents are transferred to the Client along with the payment for the Service.


§6 Final provisions

1. In matters not regulated by the General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.

2. If any disputes arise, the parties undertake to resolve them amicably.

3. The contractor takes full responsibility for the developed materials. Data, information and test results provided by the client or to the client are treated as confidential.

4. Values in euro are presented based on the exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the date of submission of the offer. Current average exchange rates of foreign currencies in PLN specified in § 2 points 1 and 2 of Resolution No. 51/2002 of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland of September 23, 2002 on the method of calculating and announcing current foreign exchange rates (Journal of Laws of the National Bank of Poland of 2017 .item 15).

5. The above General Terms and Conditions of Service (GTC) apply to laboratory, documentation, advisory and training services provided by the Contractor to the Client on the basis of an order placed or a concluded contract.

6. Any changes to these General Terms and Conditions require a written form to be valid and concern only the scope of services specified by the parties and come into force on the day of signing the contract with the Client.
